Friday, December 12, 2008

Another winter in Stratford

Red lights on a snowy Stratford street like strawberries in the tundra - sweetness & fire of red cheeks in winter's cold embrace. Happiness in the neither here nor there. Spiny tingling underneath the jeans, glance sideways over to the lover of tomorrow while basking in the take your time of today.

Friday, October 31, 2008

I feel like a drink

I just heard the lyrics "tying witches' boogers into bows" on the CBC radio program "to the point". How could we have lived without this image for this long? Every time I think I've heard it all, feeling all cynical and utterly bored, I am lured by the artists among us who vault our psyches to newer and braver heights. How can we be crying poor these days? I am fantastically rich in self-investment! Long live the weirdest things you could ever think about! Now should I go out to that bonfire tonight or not? Do I go for the should or the feel good? But wait, some of that should does feel good. What's a sweet girl to do?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Friends make us rich

Did you ever call a friend just to say how much you appreciated them? I was on the receiving end of that phone call today, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. Answering the phone with a dose of the heavies and hanging up with the light. I got me some gratitude in my pocket...Now I know that aversion and desire are equal challenges, equanimity feels so far away some times, but what a relief to be lifted from the illusion of self-torment. I'll take relief when it's offered any day. Thank you unlikely friend! So how could the day not pick up? Hearing the laughter of young girls making mouldy moss salad for their dolls while little boys dive deeply into the strange and fantastical world of Pokemon...indeed life is rich and ever ripe for the pickin...

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

the women are talking

Just caught a heated exchange on the View, the gals are slinging it across the table. The anger is flying, and our ladies can barely contain it. Baba had to claim the high road to calm the scene down. Let's just look at what's real here. Anger is rampant, and a perfect inroad to the pain that lies lurking beneath. Why are we mad? Injustice? Karma claims it's all fair, even though we can't see the whole picture. Pain pain's a collective hurting that wants a healing, it's ours for the embracing. We're not our bodies and we're not our wounds, we just think we are. How do you like me now?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Who are you September?

Magical month of the virgin, clean, fresh, innocence, that which is not owned, I welcome you in spades. Crickets and cicadas sing you in, cool wind and clear afternoons beckon you away towards the whisper of winter. I love this space that lives beyond the years of longing, the silence of freshness on our doorstep, nothing but the sleepy months ahead. You are the sweet unknown. The defense of green fades into grey, or maybe yellow and red, until there is nothing but the bones. Why do we love the fall?

Friday, March 14, 2008

on the eventide of spring

Bathing under sweet juicy Venus and the milky white Pisces half moon at 9:30 pm eastern time, on the eventide of spring, temperature hovering around zero, I sat on the cement stoop and shared a breath with the old maple tree, a loyal companion whose roots are commanding my driveway. Union. The sweetest reminder that I am always among friends. All hail sweet king of winters, may your cool wet cleanse nourish us and ground us and prepare us for springing into action. Soon through all the density will rise fresh sprouts of new life. We have shed much. We have hibernated long and hard, the winter kept us huddled, we all should have been having lots of sex, look for many more babies in the next six to nine months! Me and my angels watched the Bee movie last night and we loved it! Awesome! Talking to bees. Loving it!!! Opening the path for renewed relationship with nature! BEEing in harmony with Sweet Ma! Bien articulee, M. Jerry Seinfeld!