Monday, November 30, 2009

November light

greys and yellows and greys and yellows and baby blues you bring us news of quiet and storms you branchy form, you are a song I look inside and sing along

Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

The din of bikers setting the tone for today over here in Port Dover town...methinks I'll have to go and have a walkabout some time today...air is crisp and clear, and the riders are leatherbound, hmmm, biker din but inner quiet, resting after a very first in adult life, opening night for Lights on Broadway, kind of surreal, for lack of a better word, feels like I'm catching up with myself, I'm in this body but the persona is projecting itself through me, I am in suspension...I think I like funny to have just left a theatre town only to jump right into the spectacle. Wonderful opportunity to observe the play of the elements; joyful creativity, transformation, love, but also scatterbrains, divadom and inertia, all present among us............................................................ Was remembering Dad the other day and thinking about his strong desire for peace...I am so glad he has found it.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

what I am appreciating today

lakeview waking up to sunshine kids having time to play outside before going to school this morning kids' lunches half packed two full bags of paper bits for recycling, which came from three out of the eight office boxes sorted four boxes taken to storage clean office teaching yoga to teenagers seeing someone I haven't seen in forever networking community support cheques walking forests the ability to type quickly seeing, smelling, hearing, touching, tasting hugs healthy children being vulnerable being strong

Monday, November 2, 2009

November you are a song

You host the best parties I laugh hardest when I'm with you You are the descent, the pathway to my cave where heart light shines bright You hold my hand, and kiss my cheek sweetly with your clear blue death sky You move the air and I am caught in the scurry of last minute frenzy You are the anticipation of darkness as we head along on over to the day of the longest night November I like you because what else can I do, sit around all day and complain? Boring... and because you're real